KDE 4 daily builds in a virtual machine

KDE 4 daily builds in a virtual machine
SSJ created a virtual machine containing a KDE 4 build an equipped with scripts to update the machine on a daily rhythm. Equipped with that virtual machine everyone can now easily follow the development of KDE 4 without modifying a real system.

The virtual machine project was announced today on the dot and was warmly welcomed. With the help of the virtual machine many more people will be able to test and try KDE 4 with the result that KDE will get many more bug tests and reports. Also, since the virtual machine can be updated on a daily base it is also a handy tool for normal users without a local installation of KDE to take part in the bug krush Saturdays. It is built upon Kubuntu can be downloaded via bittorrent. The image format is a bz2 packed qemu image. The login is the same as the password kde4daily.

The virtual machine is a great idea and will be of great benefit to KDE 4 and with a bit of luck also to the bug krush days. It is something I have been waiting for since the first screenshots of KDE 4 appeared, and SSJ has done a great job. Thanks for that!

Btw., since this is a virtual machine there are of course two shortcomings: speed and OpenGL. The first one will damp the experience of KDE 4 a bit since everything will be significant slower and will feel sluggier. The second part, missing OpenGL, will result in a not-compositing KWin 4.
To get rid of these limitations KDE 4 has to be installed. There is also a LiveCD which is still slower than native but at least least provides OpenGL support.

12 thoughts on “KDE 4 daily builds in a virtual machine”

  1. E@zyVG: Of course, feel free 🙂
    I would welcome a link to this post, but in worst case this post is – just like all other text here from me – under a CC licence anyway 😉

  2. Hello,

    While this is a welcome addition to the KDE4 world. I keep getting errors when decompressing the image. Is it possible that the bz2 compression is corrupted?

  3. Jens: Have you uncompressed it using ark? There have been reports on the dot that ark fails to do that correctly but that the command line tool bunzip2 works on the same image. It sure worked for me so the image is ok.

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