KDE development now based on Qt 4.4

KDE development now based on Qt 4.4
The Qt snapshot in the KDE development tree was update to Qt 4.4 pre-Beta some hours ago. Qt 4.4 dependent features can now be included into KDE’s main tree.

The update of qt-copy was long expected: Qt 4.4 comes along with a rich set of new features: Widgets in QGraphicsView, WebKit integration, Phonon integration, etc. Several KDE projects waited for this inclusion for quite some time now.

The project with the largest needs of Qt 4.4 is probably Plasma: with Widgets on QGraphicsView the Plasma team will finally be able to integrate QWidgets into Plasma applets, so future Plasma applets will be able to contain QWidgets like QComboBoxes or like the new QWebKit. This will enable to put party of “real” programs into Plasma applets. Or, to say it with Aaron Seigo’s words:

it allows us to more or less freely mix qwidgets and pure canvas content

This will enable an entire range of new possiblities for Plasma applets because suddenly several new widgets are available. And since these widgets are well known to the KDE developers it is likely that they will quickly take advantage of these, blurring the border between traditional applications and Plasma applets even more.
Also, applications using Plasma will take advantage of this as well. Amarok already showed a first screenshot of how it uses the new possibilities.

Besides this new widget possibilities and the mentioned Phonon and WebKit integration Qt 4.4 will also fix performance problems during resize and also fix a bug which crashed Krita – at least I was told so 😉

liquidat_afk: there is an other cool stuff with Qt4.4, it fixes an annoying crash in Krita 😀

9 thoughts on “KDE development now based on Qt 4.4”

  1. Hi,

    How can I checkout the latest SVN for KDE4? I am tired of waiting for distros to update releases 😉

    Particularly interested in building PIM apps such as KMail.


  2. @Skelth, Samir M. Nassar

    maybe Skelth was just jocking ? 😉

    anyway, I like the K prefix for all the small apps because I can see if it’s a KDE Application in a glimpse but others “biggers” applications could indeed avoid the K.

    The plasmoids should’nt be prefixed with a K neither IMO, just “xxxx Plasmoid” should just work and show the link with KDE.

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